Cozo database documentation#
Welcome to the documentation for CozoDB, a feature-rich, transactional, time-travel-enabled, relational-graph-vector database that uses Datalog for queries, while making no performance compromises.
You can start immediately with the Tutorial, which you can follow without installing anything.
For installation instructions and language-specific APIs, please refer to the GitHub page.
- Tutorial
- Queries
- Stored relations and transactions
- Proximity searches
- Time travel
- System ops
- Types
- Query execution
- Tips for writing queries
- Functions and operators
- Aggregations
- Utilities and algorithms
- Beyond CozoScript
- Notes
- Some use cases for Cozo
- Cozo runs (almost) everywhere
- On performance
- Time travel in a database: a Cozo story
- Cozo 0.5: the versatile embeddable graph database with Datalog is half-way 1.0
- Experience CozoDB: The Hybrid Relational-Graph-Vector Database - The Hippocampus for LLMs
- Version 0.7: MinHash-LSH near-duplicate indexing, Full-text search (FTS) indexing, Json values and update