
Runtime types#

Values in Cozo have the following runtime types:

  • Null

  • Bool

  • Number

  • String

  • Bytes

  • Uuid

  • List

  • Vector

  • Json

  • Validity

Number can be Float (double precision) or Int (signed, 64 bits). Cozo will auto-promote Int to Float when necessary.

List can contain any number of mixed-type values, including other lists.

Vector have fixed length and contain floats. There are two versions: F32 vectors and F64 vectors.

Cozo sorts values according to the above order, e.g. null is smaller than true, which is in turn smaller than the list [].

Within each type values are compared according to:

  • false < true;

  • -1 == -1.0 < 0 == 0.0 < 0.5 == 0.5 < 1 == 1.0;

  • Lists are ordered lexicographically by their elements;

  • Bytes are compared lexicographically;

  • Strings are compared lexicographically by their UTF-8 byte representations;

  • UUIDs are sorted in a way that UUIDv1 with similar timestamps are near each other. This is to improve data locality and should be considered an implementation detail. Depending on the order of UUID in your application is not recommended.

  • Json values are compared by their string representation, which is a bit arbitrary and you should not rely on the order.

  • Validity is introduced for the sole purpose of enabling time travel queries.


1 == 1.0 evaluates to true, but 1 and 1.0 are distinct values, meaning that a relation can contain both as keys according to set semantics. This is especially confusing when using JavaScript, which converts all numbers to float, and python, which does not show a difference between the two when printing. Using floating point numbers in keys is not recommended if the rows are accessed by these keys (instead of accessed by iteration).


The standard notations null for the type Null, false and true for the type Bool are used.

Besides the usual decimal notation for signed integers, you can prefix a number with 0x or -0x for hexadecimal representation, with 0o or -0o for octal, or with 0b or -0b for binary. Floating point numbers include the decimal dot (may be trailing), and may be in scientific notation. All numbers may include underscores _ in their representation for clarity. For example, 299_792_458 is the speed of light in meters per second.

Strings can be typed in the same way as they do in JSON using double quotes "", with the same escape rules. You can also use single quotes '' in which case the roles of double quotes and single quotes are switched. There is also a “raw string” notation:

___"I'm a raw string"___

A raw string starts with an arbitrary number of underscores, and then a double quote. It terminates when followed by a double quote and the same number of underscores. Everything in between is interpreted exactly as typed, including any newlines. By varying the number of underscores, you can represent any string without quoting.

There is no literal representation for Bytes or Uuid. Use the appropriate functions to create them. If you are inserting data into a stored relation with a column specified to contain bytes or UUIDs, auto-coercion will kick in and use decode_base64 and to_uuid for conversion.

Lists are items enclosed between square brackets [], separated by commas. A trailing comma is allowed after the last item.

There are no literal representations for Vector or Validity. Use the function vec to convert a list to a vector.

Json objects are enclosed between curly brackets {}, with key-value pairs separated by commas. For all other Json subtypes, use the function json to convert normal values to them.

Column types#

The following atomic types can be specified for columns in stored relations:

  • Int

  • Float

  • Bool

  • String

  • Bytes

  • Uuid

  • Json

  • Validity

There is no Null type. Instead, if you put a question mark after a type, it is treated as nullable, meaning that it either takes value in the type or is null.

Two composite types are available. A homogeneous list is specified by square brackets, with the inner type in between, like this: [Int]. You may optionally specify how many elements are expected, like this: [Int; 10]. A heterogeneous list, or a tuple, is specified by round brackets, with the element types listed by position, like this: (Int, Float, String). Tuples always have fixed lengths.

Vectors are also valid as component types and is written in the syntax <F32; 1024> for a 1024-element F32 vector. The type can also be F64.

A special type Any can be specified, allowing all values except null. If you want to allow null as well, use Any?. Composite types may contain other composite types or Any types as their inner types.